VMware Aria Automation 7.x Metering and Reporting #
VMware Aria Automation 7.x is available to service providers in two editions:
- VMware Aria Automation Advanced
- VMware Aria Automation Enterprise
Product Detection #
The cloud provider must register the VMware Aria Automation instance in the Usage Meter web application. Then the cloud provider must enter the Cafe and IaaS hostname, port, username, and password. A validation of the user credentials is performed and if correct, the data collection starts. Usage Meter connects to the Aria Automation Café server and collects its license edition. The appliance also connects to Aria Automation IaaS and collects the number of managed VMs. Data is collected on an hourly basis.
Metering #
The metering of VMware Aria Automation is per VM. The reported usage is calculated by the monthly average hourly count of non-unique VMs in the month. Example: If during the first 15 days of the month, there are 2 VMs and the last 15 days of the same reporting month, there are 4 VMs, the at the end of the month, the Monthly Usage Report will report 3 VMs (an average count of the non-unique VMs detected throughout the month).
Reporting #
Sample Monthly Usage Report adds a new line item for VMware Aria Automation.
Product | Version | Unit of Measure | Units to be Reported |
VMware Aria Automation Advanced (legacy) | Managed VMs | 1547 |
Note: The legacy label next to the VMware Aria Automation license line on the Monthly Usage Report in Cloud Partner Navigator indicates that the version of the VMware Aria Automation instance is 7.x.
Note: When VMware Cloud Foundation is added for metering, all VMware Aria Automation lines are visible on the CLoud Partner Navigator Usage page but will not be sent to the VMware Commerce Portal. Providers must update manually their VMware Aria Automation 7.x reporting in the Commerce Portal after reviewing the usage report in Cloud Partner Navigator.