Cloud Infrastructure Verification

Cloud Infrastructure Verification #

Cloud Infrastructure deployment Verification #

After the initial deployment of the products, refer the below options to check system health It is highly recommended to verify the status after the initial setup or any maintenance operations such as an upgrade, certificate changes, password changes or other.

VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager: #

Service status : #

Verify the connectivity statuses of the VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle manager to the infrastructure services.

  • Connectivity to the vCenter Server Its deployed and Cluster where the products needs to be deployed.
  • Connectivity to the repository if its an NFS server.
  • Connectivity to DNS server
  • Connectivity to the (Optional)
  • Connectivity to the NTP server.


System health status can be viewed from Virtual appliance management interface (VAMI) page of VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager. in a Web browser, navigate to https://vcplcm-hostname:5480/.

Below you can see an example from the System Health page.


VMware Cloud Director: #

Usage Meter: #

RabbitMQ: #

Chargeback: #