Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Multi-cloud (TKGm) Metering and Reporting #
Configuration #
To start metering Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Multi-cloud, you need to provide the TKGm management cluster IP address or hostname, bearer token that you will use to authenticate with the cluster, the Tanzu edition, and metric that will be used to calculate your TKGm consumption. Metering For each TKGm management cluster added for metering to Usage Meter 4.6, the latter will get information about the cluster and its workload clusters. For each workload cluster, Usage Meter 4.6 will get information about the VMs that are part of it. The information that it gets for each TKGm VM is its UUID. The collected TKGm VM information then goes into the usage reports. The VMs that will be reported as TKGm VMs are management and workload cluster VMs. They will be marked as TKGm-MGMT and TKGm-WLD in the Virtual Machine History Report.
Reporting #
The TKGm usage is reported as either vRAM-based, which is the average capped billed vRAM used by the TKGm VMs for the reporting period, or as the average CPU cores used by the TKGm VMs for the reporting period. The metric is chosen by the Usage Meter administrator in the Usage Meter 4.6 web application. The collected usage is reported against the Tanzu edition that is also selected by the Usage Meter administrator in the Usage Meter 4.6 web application. The available license editions for selection include: • Tanzu Basic • Tanzu Standard • Tanzu Advanced
Note: Currently, only Tanzu Basic and Standard are reported for TKGm usage. If you select to report your usage against the Tanzu Advanced license, it will be reported as Tanzu Standard.
Sample Monthly Usage Report #
Product | Unit of Measure | Units to be Reported |
Tanzu Basic | GBvRAM | 100 |
Tanzu Basic | Avg Number of Cores | 255 |
Tanzu Standard | GBvRAM | 80 |
Tanzu Standard | Avg Number of Cores | 356 |