Cloud Infrastructure Personas #
In the Overall Cloud Infrastructure, there are two types of personas:
Service providers : Service providers manage VMware Cloud Foundation objects and the product appliances like Usage Meter, Chargeback and RabbitMQ .Scervice providers will have System Admin rights. By default, the System Administrator role has all VMware Cloud Director rights. Users belonging to that role can manage any inventory object. Along with cplcm user, Service providers will have root priviledges to VMware Cloud provider Lifecycle manager. Deploy, Upgrade, Patching and Day-2 Operations of the products like VMware Cloud Director, Usage Meter,Chargeback and RabbitMQ will be performed by Service providers. ««To verify »»
Tenant Users: Tenant users perform day to day operations pertaining to VMware Cloud Director and consume the service. Tenant admins will have elevated priviledges to manage their organization adn related objects. «To Verify»