Cloud Infrastructure Operations

Cloud Infrastructure Operations #

After you complete the implementation of the Cloud Infrastructure, you perform common operations on the environment, such as …

For operational guidance on the components that are deployed automatically in VMware Cloud Foundation or complement the basic VMware Cloud Foundation configuration, see the VMware Cloud Foundation Operations and Administration Guide in the VMware Cloud Foundation documentation.

Personas in Cloud Infrastructure #

Personas describe types of system users, aligned with real people and their functions within the organization. You build a persona set based on your organization’s requirements for role-based access control.[Read more]

Operational Verification of Cloud Infrastructure #

After you add VMware Cloud Director, Usage Meter, rabbitMQ, Chargeback and VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager instance in your VMware Cloud Foundation environment during the implementation of the Cloud Infrastructure validated solution, verify that the newly-implemented and reconfigured components are operational and functioning within expected parameters.[Read more]

Certificate Management for Cloud Infrastructure #

The security of your environment depends on the validity and trust of the SDDC component certificates. After you deploy and configure VMware Cloud Director, Usage Meter, RabbitMQ, Chargeback and VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager to your VMware Cloud Foundation environment, you replace the component certificate if the certificate is expiring or compromised, or some of the certificate attributes, such as the host or organization name, must be changed.[Read more]

Password Management for Cloud Infrastructure #

Manage the account passwords of the components in your VMware Cloud Foundation environment according to the design objectives and design guidance of Cloud Infrastructure validated solution.[Read more]

Shutdown and Startup of Cloud Infrastructure #

In certain cases, for example, during hardware or power maintenance of the data center, you must shut down the standalone VMware Cloud Director, Usage Meter, RabbitMQ, Chargeback and VMware Cloud provider Lifecycle Manager in a VMware Cloud Foundation environment in a way that prevents data loss and appliance malfunction, and start it up restoring component integration after the maintenance operation is over.[Read more]

Metering of Cloud Infrastructure #

After implementing Cloud Infrastructure you must take steps to ensure that proper usage metering of the new product begins.[Read more]