Cplcm Appliance Deployment


Deploy VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager On VMware Cloud Foundation #


Deploy VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager on VMware Cloud Foundation for automated deployment of products like VMware Cloud director, vRealize Operations manager Tenant App, Usage Meter and Rabbit MQ.

Starting with version 1.2, VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager is delivered as a virtual appliance. You must deploy the virtual appliance on an ESXi host or in a vCenter Server. Here are the steps you need to take to deploy VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager 1.5.

UI Procedure #

You can deploy the VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager appliance as an OVA by using the vSphere Client (HTML5). For more details, check the following information.

  1. In the vSphere Client, right-click any inventory object and click Deploy OVF Template.

  2. Enter the path to the VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager.Ova file and click Next.

  3. Enter a name for the virtual machine and browse the vCenter Server repository to select a data

    center or folder on which to deploy the appliance and click Next.

  4. Select an ESXi host or cluster on which to deploy the appliance and click Next.

  5. Review the template details and click Next.

  6. Read and accept the license agreements and click Next.

  7. Select the disk format and the datastore for the virtual machine configuration files and virtual

    disks, and click Next.

    Thick formats improve performance, and thin formats save storage space.

  8. From the drop-down menus in the Destination Network cells, select the target networks for

    the eth0 NIC of the appliance.

  9. From the IP allocation Settings drop-down menus, select a Static-Manual IP allocation and an

    IPv4 protocol.

  10. Click Next.

    You are redirected to the Customize template page of the wizard to configure the VMware

    Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager details.

  11. In the section Application Settings, configure the appliance details.

  12. In section Additional Networking Properties, enter the network details for the VMware Cloud

    Provider Lifecycle Manager appliance, and click Next.

  13. On the Ready to Complete page, review the configuration settings for the VMware Cloud

  14. Provider Lifecycle Manager appliance, and click Finish to start the deployment.

VMware OVF Tool Procedure #

You can deploy the VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager appliance as an OVF template by using the VMware OVF Tool.

For information about installing OVF Tool, see the VMware OVF Tool Release Notes document. For information about using OVF Tool, see the OVF Tool User’s Guide.

Read the following [information](https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-Provider-Lifecycle-Manager/1.5/vmware-cloud-provider-lifecycle-manager-15-deployment-administration.pdf for more details.

An Example Command for Deploying a Production Primary VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager Appliance

ovftool –name=vcplcm-demo-1 –X:logFile=/tmp/vcplcm-deploy.log –X:logLevel=info \

–noSSLVerify –acceptAllEulas –allowAllExtraConfig –diskMode=thin \

–datastore=sfo-m01-cl01-ds-vsan01 –network=sfo01-m01-cl01-vds01-pg-mgmt –powerOn \

–prop:varoot-password=‘Root_pw1’ \

–prop:vcplcm-admin-password=‘VCPlcm_pw1’ \

–prop:vcplcm-api-port=9443 \

–prop:ntpserver=time.vmware.com \

–prop:hostname=vcplcm-demo-1 \

–prop:netipaddress0=x.x.x.x \

–prop:netprefix0=24 \

–prop:netgateway0=x.x.x.x \

–prop:netdns0=x.x.x.x,y.y.y.y \

–prop:domainname=test.dom \

–prop:searchdomains=test1.dom,test2.dom –prop:ceip_enable=True \

–prop:nfs_mount=vsan-nfs.test.dom:/vsanfs/cplcmrepo \

VMware-Cloud-Provider-Lifecycle-Manager-version-number.ova \ vi://vc_user_name:vc_password@vc_hostname_or_ip_address/vc_dataceter_name/host/vc_cluster_name